
Sunday 13 April 2014

Topic 20.4: Condensation reactions

20.4.1 Describe, using equations, the reactions of alcohols with carboxylic acids to form esters, and state the uses of esters

Ester is often used for solvents. Responsible for smells of fruits

20.4.2 Describe, using equations, the reactions of amines with carboxylic acids

Water is produced from the condensation reaction. Small molecule is produced, does not necessary have to be water.

20.4.3 Deduce the structures of the polymers formed in the reactions of alcohols with carboxylic acids


Put the brackets across the repeating unit. This is the example used in the syllabus.

20.4.4 Deduce the structures of the polymers formed in the reactions of amines with carboxylic acids


This is nylon made from condensation reaction. This example was used in the syllabus.

Note that they have double ended functional group.

20.4.5 Outline the economic importance of condensation reactions

The development of condensation polymers gave another push to the blossoming plastic and artificial fibre industries. Condensation polymers were used to artificial silk and cotton.

Kelvar is a polyamide that is used as a bullet-proof vest. PVC is used for insulating wires as they are durable.

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