
Sunday 13 April 2014

Topic 20.1: Introduction

20.1.1 Deduce structural formulas for compounds containing up to six carbon atoms with one of the following functional groups: amine, amide, ester and nitrile

Amine (-amine)

This is propan-1-amine

There are different degrees of amines, it is dependent on how many carbons are connected to the nitrogen.

The naming of the compound depends on the longest carbon chain it is linked to


N - methyl propan-1-amine

N,N - dimethyl propan-1-amine

Amide (-amide)

This is ethanamide

There are different degrees of amines, it is dependent on how many carbons are connected to the nitrogen.

The naming of the compound depends on where the double bond oxygen is.


N - methyl propanamide

N,N - dimethyl proapanamide

Ester (-anoate)

To name an ester, name R' first then R

These are a few examples

Nitrile (-nitrile)

Always remember to count the carbon in the nitrile

20.1.2 Apply IUPAC rules for naming compounds containing up to six carbon atoms with one of the following functional groups: amine, amide, ester and nitrile

Amine (-amine)

Amide (-amide)

Ester (-anoate)

Nitrile (-nitrile)

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