
Sunday 13 April 2014

Topic 10.6: Reaction pathways

10.6.1 Deduce reaction pathways given the starting materials and the product

Alkene --> Ketone

Alkane --> Alcohol

Halogenalkane --> Aldehyde

Every arrow on the picture represents a reaction. IB requires you to remember all reaction represented


--> Polyalkene

+multiple alkene

Polymerisation reaction

--> 1,2 - Dihalogenoalkane

+ halogen

Halogenation reaction

--> Halogenoalkane

+ Hydrogen halide

--> Alkanes

+ Hydrogen (Nickel catalyst, heat)

Hydrogenation reaction

--> Alcohols

+ Water (Concentrated sulphuric acid catalyst)

Hydration reaction


--> Halogenoalkane

+ Halogens (UV light catalyst)

Free radical mechanism required


--> Dihalogenoalkane

+ Halogen (UV light catalyst)

--> Alcohol

+ Aqueous hydroxide (warm)

Substitution reactions

1st degree Alcohol

--> Aldehyde

+ Heat and potassium dichromate catalyst

Oxidation reaction

2nd degree Alcohol

--> Ketone

+ Heat and potassium dichromate catalyst

Oxidation reaction


--> Carboxylic acid

+ Heat and potassium dichromate catalyst

Oxidation reaction

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