
Monday 26 January 2015

Topic 19.2: Electrolysis

19.2.1 Predict and explain the products of electrolysis of aqueous solutions

19.2.2 Determine the relative amounts of the products formed during electrolysis

19.2.3 Describe the use of electrolysis in electroplating

Topic 19.1: Standard electrode potentials

19.1.1 Describe the standard hydrogen electrode

19.1.2 Define the term standard electrode potential E

19.1.3 Calculate cell potentials using standard electrode potentials

19.1.4 Predict whether a reaction will be spontaneous using standard electrode potential values

Topic 19: Oxidation and reduction

Topic 19 of the IB HL Chemistry syllabus is the Oxidation and reduction. IBO recommends to spend 5 hours on this topic.

This topic has 2 sub-chapters: "Standard electrode potential", and "Electrolysis". Each are separated with numerical values in order of mentioned.

These are advanced HL syllabus statements, it is recommended to bring a Casio Graphical Calculator instead of Texas. Casio Calculators have the periodic table installed already.

Topic 9.5: Electrolytic cells

9.5.1 Describe, using a diagram, the essential components of an electrolytic cell.

9.5.2 State that oxidation occurs at the negative electrode (cathode)

9.5.3 Describe how current is conducted in an electrolytic cell

9.5.4 Describe the products of the electrolysis of a molten salt

Topic 9.4: Voltaic cells

9.4.1 Explain how a redox reaction is used to produce electricity in a voltaic cell.

9.4.2 State that oxidation occurs at the negative electrode (anode) and reduction occurs at the positive electrode (cathode)

Topic 9.3: Reactivity

9.3.1 Deduce a reactivity series based on the chemical behaviour of a group of oxidizing and reducing agents

9.3.2 Deduce the feasibility of a redox reaction from a given reactivities series.

Topic 9.2: Redox equations

9.2.1 Deduce simple oxidation and reduction half-equations given the species involved in a redox reaction.

9.2.2 Deduce redox equations using half equations

9.2.3 Define the terms oxidizing agents, reducing agents

9.2.4 Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents in redox equations

Topic 9.1: Introduction to oxidation and reduction

9.1.1 Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron loss and gain

9.1.2 Deduce the oxidation number of an element in a compound

9.1.3 State the names of compounds using oxidation numbers

9.1.4 Deduce whether an element undergoes oxidation or reduction in reactions using oxidation numbers.

Topic 9: Oxidation and Reduction

Topic 9 of the IB HL Chemistry syllabus is the Oxidation and reduction. IBO recommends to spend 7 hours on this topic.

This topic has 5 sub-chapters: "Introduction to oxidation and reduction", "Redox equations", "Reactivity", "Voltaic cells", and "Electrolytic cells". Each are separated with numerical values in order of mentioned.

These are advanced HL syllabus statements, it is recommended to bring a Casio Graphical Calculator instead of Texas. Casio Calculators have the periodic table installed already.